Lithuanian Legal System Under the Influence of European Union Law: Collection of Scientific Articles on the Influence of European Union Law on the Lithuanian Constitutional, Administrative and Environment Protection, Criminal, Civil and Civil Procedure, Labour and Social Protection, Finance Law -- Contents: Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the EU; Influence of Lithuania's Membership in the EU on the Interpretation of the Lithuanian Constitution; European ius commune in the Legal System of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; 16th Century Lithuanian Statutes in the Context of the European Legal Tradition; EU Criminal Law and Its Influence on the Institutes of the General Part of Lithuanian Criminal Law; Influence of EU Law on the Institutes of the Special Part of Criminal Law; Impact on Lithuanian Civil Procedure; Influence on Lithuanian Copyright 1999-2013; Trends of Legal Regulation in the EU and Lithuanian Public Procurement Law; Impact of Consumer acquis communautaire on National Regulation; Impact of EU Legislation on Shareholder Rights; Labour Law Under the Influence of EU Law; Institute of Social Partnership: EU Legal Standards and Their Implementation in National Practices; Implementation of EU Legislation in Social Security Law; Alternative Options for the Resolution of Administrative Disputes; Principle of Effective Legal Remedies in Administrative Law (Right to Access to Administrative Court) of Lithuania Under the Influence of the European Legal Order; Right to Good Administration; Influence of EU Environmental Requirements; Influence of EU Membership on Budget Planning; Impact of EU Membership on the National Taxation System; Interpretation and Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights; Respect for the National Identities of the Member States As a General Principle of the EU Law; EU Secondary Legislation: A Plea for Legal Certainty and Clarity; Cooperation Between the Lithuanian Courts and the Court of Justice of the EU.
Knyga neskaityta.